Episode 57: Teen Mom OG. Dr. Tyler MD
Teen Mom OG has storylines all over the place. Proposals, pregnancies, anniversaries, and someone has the sleepies. What’s an adult with an MTV paycheck and no real job to do? Jodie is here to rip the facades away, but not all of them because Andrew’s sweaty man boobs should never be seen. It’s kind of like a not-quite-a-Teen Wolf situation. PATREON BONUS EPISODES www.patreon.com/realitvpod IG a Twitter @RealiTVpodwww.instagram.com/realitvpodwww.twitter.com/realitvpod RealiTV Podcast FB Snark https://www.facebook.com/groups/114353442610036/ YouTube https://tinyurl.com/y7bybsev Stream: www.realitvpod.podbean.com Do you love # [...]