RH: A Batwoman Podcast - Catching Up on Episodes 4 - 6
We have some catching up to do! We discuss episodes 4-6 of Batwoman season 2. We can essentially boil these episodes down to three questions: What the hell happened on Coryana? Is Ryan part alien or is this just how humans react to Kryptonite? Is Kate really dead after all? We continue to love Ryan, Mary, Luke, and Alice, but we still hate Jacob, and the jury is out on Sophie. Endorsements: Shelley - WandaVision on Disney+ and Still Watching: WandaVision podcast: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/wandavision/4SrN28ZjDLwH https://open.spotify.com/show/36aFKOYxztXCy14KLpPPI2?si=BCW9kzxkSSqwl27-2iyeAw Erin - Deadly Misadventures podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/36aFKOYxztXCy14KLpPPI2?si=BCW9kzxkSSqwl27-2iyeAw We’re on Twitter! Find us @redhairingpod or get Erin @erniegreenbean and Shelley @schop23