Special Crisis Giant #1 Episode
Shelley and Erin talk about Crisis Giant #1, which gives us some offscreen insight into what else was happening during Hour 2 of the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. We are mostly very confused about how this story could possibly have happened in that timeframe and why the villain, Outkast, never shakes it like a Polaroid picture. Crisis Giant #1 also contained a Lex Luthor story that shows us just how smug (and endlessly entertaining) Earth-38 Lex really is. Crisis Giant #1 was, ultimately, kind of weird, but we’re taking all the Crisis content we can get. You can find us on Twitter! Shelley is @schop23 and Erin is @erniegreenbean. The show’s Twitter pages are @RedHairingPod and @PodOffCourse, and you can also contact us at redhairingpod@gmail.com and podoffcourse@gmail.com.