Special Crisis Theories Episode
In this special episode, Shelley and Erin prepare for the impending Crisis On Infinite Earths crossover starting on Supergirl on Sunday, December 8th at 8pm. We start with a recap of the crisis-related events that have happened in each Arrowverse show up until now, and then we dive into our theories, hopes, and a decent amount of fears about what’s going to happen. The Arrowverse recap ends at 41:02 if you want to skip straight to the theories section. Stay tuned for an outtake after the discussion where Erin realizes that they need to choose their words more carefully. We didn’t release regular episodes of Pod Off Course and Red Hairing this week due to our inability to think about anything except for Crisis, but we will record our normal podcast episodes for Supergirl 5x08 and Batwoman 1x08 during the break between Crisis episodes 3 and 4. You can find us on Twitter! Shelley is @schop23 and Erin is @erniegreenbean. The show’s Twitter pages are @RedHairingPod and @PodOffCourse, and you can also contact us at redhairingpod@gmail.com and podoffcourse@gmail.com.