The Collaborator – Ft. Brad
Vedek Bareil has been accused of being a Cardassian collaborator during the Bajoran Occupation. Kira seeks out the truth about her lover. With the election for the next Kai fast approaching, will Kira be able to fend of Vedek Winn until she can find evidence to clear Bareil? Or will the truth cause everything to collapse like a house of cards? Bajoran politics and intrigue are the names of the game as "The Collaborator" marks a return to the storyline that was there from the very beginning of the series. Does the Bajoran political storyline hold up, or is it simply too ill-defined? Brad joins me to discuss unnecessary twists, Bajor in the background, and the correct time to stop saying "Emissary"! Are you looking for older episodes? Find this and every other episode at The Pensky Podcast! Thanks for listening. Stay connected: • • e-mail: thepenskyfilevideo(at)