The Maquis – Ft. Clay
When a Cardassian freighter explodes at Deep Space 9, the Cardassians blame Federation colonists in the new Demilitarized Zone. Sisko tries to rescue Gul Dukat, stop the Maquis terrorists, and prevent a new war with the Cardassians. The Maquis is an interesting change of pace for the show: it eschews a sci-fi story to tell a character drama about the ethical failings of the Federation. Ben Sisko is stuck between a rock and a hard place: does he help his longtime friend save the homes of colonists, or does he toe the company line as a uniformed member of Starfleet? Is it a new day for the series, or is this a one-off episode that won't be repeated? Clay joins me to discuss being a saint in paradise, a double mirror, and not making jokes! Are you looking for older episodes? Find this and every other episode at The Pensky Podcast! Thanks for listening. Stay connected: • • e-mail: thepenskyfilevideo(at)