Ep.18: Watchmen - 108 - Deep Dive

Episode 8, "A God Walks into A Bar." A Watchmen Deep Dive told in three acts. Act 1: Gene Lyons, a man who took two semesters of physics at Arizona State University, attempts to explain the string theory and bootstrap paradox of Dr. Manhattan's existence while also arguing that Will Reeves destroyed Cyclops on his own. Fast forward to Act 2 (34:00) if you don't care about retrocausality. Act 2: Non-practicing Catholic Roger Roeper proves, once again, that any major TV character can be connected to Jesus Christ if you try hard enough. He also examines gods vs. men playing gods as he compares the archetypes presented in Ozymandias and Dr. Manhattan. Zip ahead to Act 3 (50:00) if the Bible doesn't interest you. Act 3: The King Bee explores what Adrian Veidt's persecution in the post-credits scenes tells us about Europa and Veidt's motivations. Oh, and he takes a stab at the horseshoe thing. It's pretty good. Watchmen Episode 8 Summary: “A God Walks into A Bar” In Vietnam in 2009, Doctor Manhattan attempts to convince Angela to have dinner with him the next night, as they will fall in love later. Angela is highly skeptical, and Manhattan, after explaining his non-linear experience with time, explains that since 1985, he had been creating life on Europa, and that in 2019, he will fall in love with her just as he is about to be taken by the Seventh Kavalry. He explains how he took up the identity of Cal to blend in, and used a device created by Veidt to give him amnesia about his true identity until it was necessary for Angela to take it out. At Veidt's request, Manhattan transported him to the Europa environment, and also visited Will to encourage him to help Angela in 2019. Angela, speaking to Manhattan in 2019, asks him to ask Will in 2009 about how he knew of Judd's secrets, but realizes she created that idea to Will just now. As the Kavalry prepare to attack, Angela goes to protect Manhattan, who sees this as the moment he fell in love with her, and helps her fend them off, knowing one last Kavalry member remained alive to use a tachyon cannon to capture him. In 2009, Angela accepts Manhattan's dinner proposal. In a post-credit scene, the Game Warden gives a captive Veidt another anniversary cake, which Veidt finds a horseshoe baked inside, and in glee, starts to dig his escape. Subscribe a Follow Android: https://shatontv.com/watchmen-android Apple/iTunes: https://shatontv.com/watchmen-itunes Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat Website: https://shatontv.com Help Support the Podcast Support with PayPal:https://shatontv.com/paypal Support with Venmo:https://venmo.com/shatpodcasts Get Podcast Merchandise:https://shatontv.com/shop Shop Amazon Affiliate Link:https://amazon.com/?tag=shatmovies-20 Sponsor's Listener Survey:https://shatontv.com/survey Leave an iTunes Review:https://shatontv.com/watchmen-review Leave a Voicemail:(914) 719-SHAT - (914) 719-7428 Email:hosts@shatontv.com All TV Feeds a Social Media:https://shatontv.com/subscribe-and-follow Our 80s a 90s Movie Podcast:http://shatthemovies.com Theme Song – “Game Over” – Magic In The Other

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