Episode 61: Jurassic Bark
Professor! Lava! HOT! Listen in as Luke and Gabe wave their fancy degrees at each other, and discuss Futurama Season 5, Episode 2: Jurassic Bark. Follow us on Twitter @ALMPod. Check out our website at almpod.com. On this show: Gabe steals the one funny quote in this episode, and says it was totally intentional. Gabe and Luke discuss how accurate it is that the late 90’s are referred to as “The Stupid Ages”. Gabe discusses how Seymour barking Walking on Sunshine always seemed a little far-fetched. Gabe and Luke discuss how Bender’s behavior might derive from the fear that he could get replaced and they could get a new bending unit. It's not like Bender’s got a ton of friends. Gabe and Luke discuss whether this is an accurate portrayal, given what we know up to this point, of how bender and Fry would react to this situation in their relationship.