The Legion Clubhouse #22: Fudge, Siegel!

Do we discover the origin of the term "Feminazi?" Problematic Panels abound in this week's Legion Clubhouse.

In the city of Metropolis, in the 30th Century, there exists one of the most amazing clubs of all time! Its members are teen-aged youths, each possessing on special super-powers! The club members have vowed to use their fantastic power to battle crime... This rocket-shaped building is the Legion Clubhouse!

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Action Comics #326
The Revolt Of The Girl Legionnaires!
November 1964
w: Jerry Siegel
a: John Forte
Saturn Girl has called together all the female members of the Legion of Super-Heroes to betray the male members. Phantom Girl, Triplicate Girl, Light Lass, Shrinking Violet, and Supergirl all join Saturn Girl on their crusade to defeat all the male members. Using their feminine charm to lull the male members into a sense of false security, each female member manages to easily defeat each male member they charm.

After all the male Legionnaires are defeated, the girls party until they're called by Queen Azura from the planet Femnaz. She explains that after the men on her world were deemed week, she and her people decided to target the male members of the Legion of Super-Heroes believing them to be just as week. She then used special hypnosis devices to convince the female Legion members to join in this cause.

However, the Queen realized the error of her ways when Mon-El and Ultra-Boy saved one of Femnaz's moons, and thus releases the female Legion members from her control. The female members then revive and save their male counterparts and after all is explained, they make peace.

Superboy #117
Superboy And The Five Legion Traitors!
December 1964
w: Jerry Siegel
a: Curt Swan & George Klein
After witnessing a star go nova, Superboy finds himself caught in a strange vortex, but survives the experience. Returning home, and returning to his identity of Clark Kent, Superboy along with the people of Smallville prepare for the arrival of the Legion of Super-Heroes, who are scheduled for a visit to the 20th Century.

When the arriving Legion members attend Clark's class, Clark realizes that he's on a parallel world (which he realizes when he finds that Smallville in this reality is spelled "Smallvile" and that there is another Superboy on an adventure.) Just when the Ultra-Boy of this reality is about to reveal Superboy's identity to the class, Clark is able to get a message out to his alternate reality counterpart in time for him to capture these rogue Legion members and return them to their own time.

With his double's identity protected, Superboy returns to his own Earth, reflecting over what differences there are between parallel worlds.

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