The Legion Clubhouse #003: Born on a Monday
In this episode, we take a look at Action Comics #276 and Superboy #89, and we get to talk with comic book writer, Chris Roberson.
In the city of Metropolis, in the 30th Century, there exists one of the most amazing clubs of all time! It's members are teen-aged youths, each possessing on special super-powers! The club members have vowed to use their fantastic power to battle crime... This rocket shaped building is the Legion Clubhouse!
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Action Comics #276
Supergirl's Three Super Girl-Friends
May 1961
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Jim Mooney
While spending time with the other girls in the orphanage in her civilian guise of Linda Lee, Supergirl becomes upset that she doesn't have any female friends whom she can confide in. Switching to her Supergirl identity when she receives a call, she meets Saturn Girl of the Legion of Super-Heroes, along with two other newer Legion members, Phantom Girl and Triplicate Girl who have come to the 20th Century to cheer Supergirl up.
They take her back to the 30th Century and invite her to join the Legion, and introduce her to the other new members: Shrinking Violet, Sun Boy, Bouncing Boy, and Brainiac 5 -- The latter being the descendant of Superman's old foe Brainiac. After partaking in the Legion of Super-Heroes' parade, Supergirl prepares to return to her own time, when Brainiac 5 asks her to stay and be his girlfriend. Supergirl politely declines because she has to return to her own time.
Back in the 20th century, Supergirl is contacted by Lori Lemaris and Jerro to test out a new force field they hope will protect Supergirl from harmful Kryptonite rays. The device works, however when Supergirl tries to throw the Kryptonite into space she scares off Krypto. burying the Kryptonite on a distant planet and returning home, Supergirl's force field device is damaged by a meteor and Lori is unable to repair it. When Supergirl returns to the orphanage as Linda Lee, the girls tease her when she is forced to lie to them and tell them she has no boyfriend, when in reality she has two admirers in both Brainiac 5, and Jerro. - via DC Wikia
Superboy #89
Superboy's Big Brother
June 1961
Writer: Robert Bernstein
Artist: George Papp
While out with Ma and Pa Kent, Clark notices a rocket crashing to Earth. Investigating it as Superboy, the Boy of Steel is shocked to find an occupant inside that has a star chart and a medallion around his neck from Jor-El, his own father, about his apparent son. Believing that this person is a previously unknown and long lost brother, Superboy is disappointed to find that the occupant has amnesia. Taking him in with the Kents, they decide to name him Mon-El, based partially on the day of the week he landed on Earth (Monday) and on Kryptonian names. Pa Kent also sets Mon-El up with a civilian guise of Bob Cobb so that Mon-El can assume a civilian life in Smallville, as a brush salesman.
However, Superboy beings to get suspicious of Mon-El's true nature, and begins to doubt his origins when he realizes the buckle on Mon-El's belt is not made of any Kryptonian metal, and Krypto doesn't recognize Mon-El. As a final test, Superboy tries to expose Mon-El to Kryptonite as the boy sleeps and is shocked that it has no effect.
The next day, after Mon-El tries to show up Clark for Lana Lang's affections, Superboy decides to trick Mon-El into "revealing" himself by orchestrating a Kryptonite meteor hoax while they're playing. To do so, Superboy paints lead meteors to resemble Kryptonite and throws them into space so that they land on Earth at the right time. Superboy is shocked to find that Mon-El is effected by the lead meteors just as Superboy would have been effected by real Kryptonite. This causes Mon-El's memories to return, and he reveals that his real name is Lar Grand, who was from the planet Daxam, and landed on Krypton just before it's destruction and befriended Jor-El before departing the planet, and that the crash really did cause him to have amnesia. As lead being the Daxarian's weakness, Mon-El is about to die, however Superboy comes up with a solution to save Mon-El's life, by sending him to the Phantom Zone until he can find a cure for Mon-El's lead poisoning. - via DC Wikia