Jessica Jones 212 Review by Defenders TV Podcast AKA Pray For My Patsy
In our 150th podcast we discuss the stand off between Jessica and Alisa and Hogarth's revenge in our Jessica Jones 212 Review “AKA Pray For My Patsy” we talk about our top five case notes about this episode in our Spoiler filled discussion. As always make sure you've watched the episode before listening to the podcast. Jessica Jones 212 Review Podcast Spoiler filled Synopsis Written by: Raelle Tucker a Hilly Hicks Jr. Directed by: Liz Friedlander Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) and Dorothy Walker (Rebecca DeMorney) wait anxiously for updates on Trish Walker's (Rachael Taylor) condition as she lies unconscious from her treatment at the hands of the deceased Karl Malus (Callum Keith Rennie). But they are not the only ones with Trish on their mind. Alisa (Janet McTeer), incandescent with rage at what Trish has done to her life, goes looking for her, only to find her being protected by her daughter. Despite this Alisa still attempts to kill Trish only to be foiled by Detectives Ruth Sunday (Lisa Tharps) and her partner Eddie Costa (John Ventimiglia). But in their attempt to arrest Alisa, Sunday is laid to rest, as Alisa kills her as she escapes. Elsewhere, Jeri Hogarth (Carrie-Anne Moss) hatches a plan, fabricating a story to Inez Green (Leah Gibson) that her partner in crime Shane Ryback (Eden Marryshow) has used her and has secretly conned multiple women like Inez into making him rich. Giving Green a gun, Hogarth watches Inez confront Ryback and shoot him. Jeri calls the police to seal her revenge. In the meantime Jessica secretly organizes to meet with Alisa at Trish's apartment, despite being warned off interfering by Detective Costa. At Trish's apartment, Jessica considers killing Alisa, but is unable to do it and instead the tables turn as Alisa knocks out and kidnaps Jessica. In a private medical facility in downtown New York Trish “Patsy” Walker begins to violently contort and convulse in her hospital bed! Thanks so much for listening to our Jessica Jones 212 Review Podcast. Our Jessica Jones reviews have only just begun so if you would like to send any of your thoughts in please send them to join us on facebook at or follow us on Twitter @defenderscast and you can also record your thoughts for the podcast directly from our website by clicking the “Send Voicemail” button. We will return on later this week with our review of the finale of Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 12 "AKA Playland" talk to you then. Thanks for listening John, Chris and Derek Defenders TV Podcast Date recorded: 07/04/2018 Date published: 13/04/2018 MP3, 74.15 mins, 96kbps, 51.2 MB All images and audio clips are copyright of Marvel and Netflix no infringement is intended. The intro and outro music for our show is provided by Mississippi MacDonald you can find more of his music at his website .