Jessica Jones 207 Review by Defenders TV Podcast AKA I Want Your Cray Cray
Trish's singing career begins and Jessica gets her leather jacket as we flashback with them in our Jessica Jones 207 Review of "AKA I Want Your Cray Cray" we talk about our top five case notes about this episode in our Spoiler filled discussion. As always make sure you've watched the episode before listening to the podcast. Jessica Jones 207 Review Podcast Spoiler filled Synopsis Written by: Hilly Hicks Jnr. Directed by: Jennifer Getzinger In the aftermath of the revelation that meatface is Jessica’s mother, Alisa (Janet McTeer), the estranged mother and daughter explore their past in the intervening period after the accident that killed Jessica’s father, Brian, and her brother Phillip. A series of flashbacks shed new light on Jessica’s and Alisa’s past from the IGH experiments through the adoption of Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) by the Walker family to the start of a meaningful relationship with a new boyfriend, Stirling Adams (Mat Vairo). As their shared past becomes deeper and more entwined than previously thought a painful turning point in Jessica’s adult life, the tragic death of Stirling, is revealed to be because of Alisa’s intense rage. Now in the present Jessica refuses to forgive her mother. Thanks so much for listening to our Jessica Jones 207 Review Podcast. Our Jessica Jones reviews have only just begun so if you would like to send any of your thoughts in please send them to join us on facebook at or follow us on Twitter @defenderscast and you can also record your thoughts for the podcast directly from our website by clicking the “Send Voicemail” button. We will return on later this week with our review of Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 8 "AKA Ain't We Got Fun" talk to you then. Thanks for listening John, Chris and Derek Defenders TV Podcast Date recorded: 18/03/2018 Date published: 27/03/2018 MP3, 65.11 mins, 96kbps, 44.9 MB All images and audio clips are copyright of Marvel and Netflix no infringement is intended. The intro and outro music for our show is provided by Mississippi MacDonald you can find more of his music at his website .