Have we been too easy on rule breakers?

The Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced that all COVID positive cases will be doorknocked multiple times, as authorities continue to tighten restrictions in Melbourne. Complying with rules to isolate and quarantine has been a major problem in Victoria. Recent figures show as many as one in four people who were supposed to be isolating at home, were not. So why has it taken this long to crack down on rule breakers? Or is the punitive approach more harmful in the long term? On today's show: * How do you stop people from breaking the rules? * What do you do about people who continue to refuse to follow the rules? * The head of the World Health Organisation says there might not be a COVID silver bullet. How long could this all go on? * What's the point of Melbourne's curfew? * Is the cooler weather in Melbourne playing a part in the sudden rise in cases? * Is there any point checking people's temperatures? Or is it a waste of time? * I have hay fever and a constant runny nose. Should I keep getting tested for COVID, just in case?

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