Ride or Die - S01E05 - Bloody Mary
Stay away from every friggin reflective surface in your house because this week, Sam and Dean rack up about 46,000 years bad luck (sounds about right) and we revisit the waking nightmares of our teen sleepover years. Check out Ride or Die - S1E05 - Bloody Mary! Episode Ratings: Waldorph: 5/5 Pru: 5/5 Things to Do Instead of Watching Supernatural: Waldorph: Domestic Violence Resources (US Based) 1-800-799-7233 - National Domestic Violence Hotline or THEHOTLINE.ORG For teens: 1-866-331-9474 or LOVEISRESPECT.ORG LGBTQA+ Resources can be found at thehotline.org Pru: Bondi Vet