Die Hard (1988)
This week Roger, Gene, and Dick cook up the perfect receipt for a delicious 1980’s cinematic treat. With all the key ingredients on hand: a cop trapped inside a high-rise, a team of desperate terrorists, an iconic villain with brains and panache, and a group of hostages including the cop's estranged wife and you've got yourself the classic 1998 Die Hard. Subscribe a Follow Android:http://shatthemovies.com/android Apple/iTunes:http://shatthemovies.com/itunes Social Media:Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat Website:http://shatthemovies.com/ Help Support the Podcast Donate with Paypal:http://shatthemovies.com/paypal Donate With Venmo:https://venmo.com/shatpodcasts Shop Amazon With Our Affiliate Link: https://www.amazon.com/?tag=shatmovies-20 Sponsor's Listener Survey:http://shatthemovies.com/survey Leave an iTunes Review:http://shatthemovies.com/review Vote for our Next Movies:http://shatthemovies.com/vote Feeds a Social Media:http://shatthemovies.com/subscribe-and-follow Leave a Voicemail:(914) 719-SHAT - (914) 719-7428 Email:hosts@shatthemovies.com Listen to our TV Podcasts:https://shatontv.com/shat-on-podcasts Theme Song - Die Hard by Guyz Nite:https://www.facebook.com/guyznite