Ep 21 Deadpool 2 REVIEW! Boba Fett movie finally coming? WWE Smackdown moving to FOX? Plus Avengers, Justice League a X-men talk!
"Boba fett!? Where?" Thats right Boba Fett might be coming to the big screen again! We talk Star Wars "Solo" movies we'd want to see and give you a comic book breakdown on all the latest major marvel and DC runs! Fox is looking to buy Smackdown and we also review FOX's triumphant family friendly Deadpool 2! All that and more! Time Stamps Boba fett: A Star Wars Story: 00:00 This Week In Wrestling: 06:40 What comics are we reading?: 25:26 Quick Silver: No Surrender #1: 25:34 Hunt for Wolverine: Claws of a Killer #1: 32:36 Infinity Countdown: Daredevil #1: 40:08 Avengers #2: 46:01 X-men Red #4: 51:47 Justice League: No Justice #2: 58:42 Deadpool 2:01:07:52 The Amazing Nerd Show Goes Live! Yes we have joined Periscope and will occasionaly live stream events and episodes down the road. Look out for these streams and possibly future gaming streams on the way! #theshowyouneverknewyouwanted is now on Spotify and TuneIn! More ways to listen! get your Amazing Nerd Show fix the way you want! https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/christian-and-damons-amazing-nerd-show https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/christian-and-damons-amazing-nerd-show/id1333153992 Find the Amazing Nerd Show on twitter where they interact with fans daily @amazingnerdshow and subscribe to them on YouTube for livestream events and giveaways, plus episode highlights and more! https://twitter.com/AmazingNerdShow https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGVHvGPvroAGyZbb-vTGZ8g Listen to this episode plus additional content also on 12oz Sports radio! Quench your sports and pop culture thirst! http://12ozsportsradio.com/