Episode 48: Dogora, the Space Monster (1964) (The Liancourt Rocks Dispute)
Robert Dunham has always impressed me with his performance in this movie! And his ability to speak Japanese adds to the flavor of this entertaining classic Sekizawan kaiju movie. I examine the underappreciated Mark Jackson character. I zero in on the diamond heist plot and explain why it's in the movie, because it takes up a lot of time. I connect this movie to The Pink Panther (1963) and other classic movies that influenced it. The related topic for this episode is the Liancourt Rocks Dispute.This episode is dedicated to Robert Dunham and Yosuke Natsuki.I'd like to send a shout-out to our patron Sean Stiff for donating at the Kaiju Visionary level and William Mize for donating at the Kaiju Commander level. Thank you for your support! I really appreciate it.MP3:http://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/kaijuvisionradioepisodes/48-dogora-the-space-monster-38gnw0d893htnv7hrog9ue.mp3Introduction: 0:00 – 2:43Part 1 – Film Description: 2:43 – 8:47Part 2 – Opinion and Analysis: 8:47 – 37:34Part 3 – Related Topic: 37:34 – 51:26Closing: 51:26 – End Host/Editor/Director/Scenic Videos: Brian ScherschelVideo Location: Fort Wayne, IndianaMusic: Audiophiliac (www.fiverr.com/audiophiliac)"Torii Gate" Banners: Kevin Geary (kevincgearydesign.com)Logos: Nanoparticles (www.fiverr.com/nanoparticles)Copyright Brian J. ScherschelAll Rights Reserved