Episode 47 (2/3): Godzilla Anime Trilogy (2017-2018): Main Discussion
Haruo asks Metphies "Why are you showing me this?" This is also what some people watching the anime trilogy were thinking. We'll give our opinions and share our reactions to these experimental, risky, and unrestrained trio of movies. We appreciate the story and how it brings up intriguing concepts and ideas.This episode is dedicated to actor Ren Osugi.I'd like to send a shout-out to our patrons Kyoei Toshi and Sean Stiff. Kyoei donated at the Kaiju Scholar Level and Sean donated at the Kaiju Visionary Level. Thank you for your support! I really appreciate it.Visit the Godzilla Novelization Project here: http://godzillanovelizationproject.wordpress.com/MP3:http://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/kaijuvisionradioepisodes/47b-godzilla-anime-trilogy-main-discussion-fn3ixqnclw0ewg8.mp3Introduction: 0:00 – 2:08Main Discussion: 1:13 – 1:48:30Closing: 1:48:30 – End Host/Editor/Director/Scenic Videos: Brian ScherschelGuest Co-Host: Daniel DiMannaVideo Location: Lafayette Park, Fort Wayne, IndianaMusic: Audiophiliac (www.fiverr.com/audiophiliac)"Torii Gate" Banners: Kevin Geary (kevincgearydesign.com)Logos: Nanoparticles (www.fiverr.com/nanoparticles)Copyright Brian J. ScherschelAll Rights Reserved