Episode 46: Atragon (1963) (Hiroo Onoda and Japanese Holdouts)
Come for the Gotengo. Stay for the patriotism vs. nationalism/imperialism parable. What do you get when you combine Ishiro Honda, Shinichi Sekizawa, and at least seven different sea-related fictional stories? This movie, that's what. It's filled with juicy layers of rich historical symbolism, so Kaijuvision Radio is the place to get the full analysis. The related topics for this episode are Hiroo Onoda and Japanese Holdouts.This episode is dedicated to the great character actor Jun Tazaki.I'd like to send a shout-out to our patron Sean Stiff for donating at the Kaiju Visionary level. Thank you for your support! I really appreciate it.MP3:http://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/kaijuvisionradioepisodes/46-atragon-9d1zfwhpuv9x04nghslew458.mp3 Introduction: 0:00 – 1:30Part 1 – Film Description: 1:30 – 8:52Part 2 – Opinion and Analysis: 8:52 – 33:19Part 3 – Related Topic: 33:19 – 47:17Closing: 47:17 – End Host/Editor/Director/Scenic Videos: Brian ScherschelVideo Location: The PNC Building (left), Allen County Courthouse (center), and Lincoln Bank Tower (right)Video Notes: Wind advisory conditions made the clouds move fast for this video.Music: Audiophiliac (www.fiverr.com/audiophiliac)"Torii Gate" Banners: Kevin Geary (kevincgearydesign.com)Logos: Nanoparticles (www.fiverr.com/nanoparticles)Copyright Brian J. ScherschelAll Rights Reserved