Ultimate Wisconsin Road Trip Guide, Part 1

The Cabin is presented by the Wisconsin Counties Association and this week we’re featuring Portage County; https://bit.ly/3r30TOn

The Cabin is also presented by Jolly Good Soda, available in all your classic favorite flavors that we remember from childhood. The diet line offers 0 calories, 0 carbs, 0 sugars, and no caffeine – perfect for mixers or just enjoying on a warm summer day (or any day, for that matter); always Wisconsin-based, you can follow @jollygoodsoda on social for the latest on new flavors, fun promotions, and more. Learn more here; https://bit.ly/3TSFYY4   

Campfire Conversation: 

Eric and Ana welcome Josh Ostermann back in The Cabin to talk road trips around Wisconsin. Eric shares some road history, including how Wisconsin is the first governmental body to devise and implement a system of numbers to identify roads. They discuss his website StateTrunkTour.com, which explores roads end-to-end and showcases interesting stuff along the way. Why the name? Because a “trunk road” is a road that connects two places of importance - it’s a term originally used by the railroads when they had “trunk lines.” Together in this Campfire Conversation, the three discuss travels on certain highways such as the Great River Road, scenic byways in Door County and along Lake Superior, and several of the numbered highways that criss-cross the state, including a highlight of Highway 33 from Port Washington to La Crosse, which offers a remarkable cross-section of Wisconsin with plenty to do and see along ithe way.

Follow @statetrunktour on Facebook and Instagram and see https://www.statetrunktour.com/ for more!

Inside Sponsors

VISIT Lake Geneva: https://bit.ly/3wHvilf  

Group Health Trust:  https://bit.ly/3JMizCX    

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