Verity! Extra! - A Con-versation
This week's Extra! is a timely one. With Gallifrey Oneonly about a week away Deb, Erika, Kat, and Lynne discuss conventions--of the Doctor Who and the general SF variety. Connecting in person to fellow fans can be one of the best fan experiences, though it doesn't always work out that way. We chat about our con experiences in general and our thoughts on Gally specifically. Will you be at Gallifrey One this year? So will we! Well, four of us anyway--Deb, Erika, Kat, and Liz will be there with ribbons to share! We hope to see some of you there. In addition to generally milling about throughout the weekend, some of us will be on panels. Please come see what we have to say! (Full descriptions of the panels can be found on the Gallifrey One Convention Schedule.) ^E Deb's Panels Editing and Publishing Doctor Who Nonfiction — Saturday 11am, Program B (This one's pretty self-explanatory.) The Next Doctor — Sunday 11:30am, Program D (Who will/should be the next actor to play our beloved Doctor?) The Shakespeare Code — Sunday 1:30pm Program D (Discussing the Doctor's many trips into Earth's history.) Erika's Panel The Twin Dilemma — Saturday 4pm Program D (This one's about podcasting. Come hear Erika talk about Verity!) Liz's Panels The Five Doctors? — Friday 8:30pm Program B (A critical look at Doctor Who companions and how most of them are not academics.) Evolution of the Daleks — Saturday 2pm Program D (Daleks! Past, present, future?)