My Foot Hurts AKA Bitch Don’t Make Me Bite You
This week we're getting into Shudder's "The Beach House" and our Scream Queen of the week is Sennia Nenua in "The Girl With All The Gifts." Scream, Queen! Is hoe-sted by Drea Washington (@heygrlhey) and Tommy “Teebs” Pico (@heyteebs), produced by Alexandra DiPalma (@LSDiPalma) and Domino Sound (@dominosoundco), with theme music by Doc Allison (@docisgood) Catch us on the gram and IGTV @screamqueenpodcast, you can also see our cute faces on our SCREAM, QUEEN! YOUTUBE channel. Send ur love and questions to cos we want to answer some questions on air in the future! See for privacy and opt-out information.