The Head Got Popped, Like a Grape
WADDUP LOVELIES sorry I was on some all caps bullshit but NE WAYZ this week Drea takes us on a journey in Act I: Have Yall Seen? Where she extolls the virtues of the iconic horror gyal Julie and… we talk about tongues amongst other things in Return of the Living Dead 3: State Sanctioned Chemicals. We get into the bullshit in Invisible Man and I’m Not Okay With This, two worthy entries in the genre. Two strong women who nobody believes, until they do. And the mens get FUCKED UP. And we end with our Scream Queen of the week: Reba McEntire, a whole entire snack a SNACK MACHINE (if you will), who shoots every gun imaginable to protect what she loves in Tremors. Scream, Queen! Is hoe-sted by Drea Washington (@heygrlhey) and Tommy “Teebs” Pico (@heyteebs), produced by Alexandra DiPalma (@LSDiPalma) and Domino Sound (@dominosoundco), with theme music by Doc Allison (@docisgood) Catch us at @screamqueenpodcast on Instagram, and send yr love and questions to cos we want to answer some q’s on air in the future! See for privacy and opt-out information.