The Problem With Jon: According to Our Listeners
We finally checked our voicemail and hereby present our first ever mailbag episode. Jon is joined by Chelsea, Jay, and Robby to engage with your questions, comments, and criticism about the show and Jon’s increasingly fragile appearance.
Want to be featured in our next mailbag episode? Call in to ask a question or just bully Jon. The number is 1-212-634-7222.
Hosted by: Jon Stewart
Featuring, in order of appearance: Chelsea Devantez, Robby Slowik, Jay Jurden
Executive Produced by Jon Stewart, Brinda Adhikari, James Dixon, Chris McShane, and Richard Plepler
Lead Producer: Sophie Erickson
Producers: Caity Gray, Robby Slowik
Assoc. Producer: Andrea Betanzos, Zach Silberberg
Sound Designer & Audio Engineer: Miguel Carrascal
Senior Digital Producer: Kwame Opam
Digital Coordinator: Norma Hernandez
Supervising Producer: Lorrie Baranek
Head Writer: Chelsea Devantez
Elements: Kenneth Hull, Daniella Philipson
Talent: Brittany Mehmedovic, Haley Denzak
Research: Susan Helvenston, Andy Crystal
Theme Music by: Gary Clark Jr.
The Problem With Jon Stewart podcast is an Apple TV+ podcast produced by Busboy Productions.