A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
The VHS Strikes Back E18 Dave gets Chris to watch a movie that scared him so much he couldn't sleep as a kid if he saw the movie at his mates house. Does it stand up and will Chris still be as scared? Plot Summary: On Elm Street, Nancy Thompson and a group of her friends (comprising Tina Gray, Rod Lane and Glen Lantz) are being tormented by a clawed killer in their dreams named Fred Krueger. Nancy must think quickly, as Fred tries to pick them off one by one. When he has you in your sleep, who is there to save you? Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 94% IMDB Score: 7.5/10 If there are any movies you want Dave and Chris to review please contact them on the following links: email: thevhsstrikesback@gmail.com twitter: www.twitter.com/vhsstrikesback --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/thevhsstrikesback/support