Gremlins (1984) vs Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
Episode 17 of Clash of the Titles is here! The podcast that pits two films with something in common against each other in a brutal fight to the death. Well, not death. We just decide which one is better. And this week's episode is 24 hours late because of Gremlins in the machine that screwed up our audio. Not even a joke. Oh the irony... Anyway, belatedly... In the red corner, Christmas is a time for giving, and the Gremlins are about to give the sleepy town of Kingston Falls one hell of a night to remember in 1984's Gremlins. While in the blue corner, it's all out chaos in NYC as the director Joe Dante puts the horror to one side for pure comedy insanity in 1990's Gremlins 2. How do you clean a Mogwai? Is being a flasher a legitimate career choice? And Chris goes big on Roald Dahl. It's all in here. JOIN US. Let us know your thoughts about this week’s films on Twitter: we’re @clashpod or email us See for privacy and opt-out information.