Finance law: ‘Yank the bank’ and other legal ploys
We invited European Investment Bank lawyers Maria Cerrato, Tom Nguyen, Kinga Soltész and Matthias Brzezinski together again to reveal some of the legal ruses used when things don’t quite go as planned. We learn what harmless-sounding phrases like ‘to the best of my knowledge after due inquiry’ really mean. And what ‘the data room’ is - a place, typically, with no natural light, a place in which no-one really wants to end up. We find out how to ‘yank the bank’ and what a ‘drop dead clause’ is. But, as it turns out, there is poetry in all this legal darkness. There are ‘midnight clauses’ and ‘insolvency waterfalls’, cascading down from an ‘insolvency pool’ like a blessing to (some of) the creditors. Tune in and let us light your way! See for privacy and opt-out information.