Monster Movie Happy Hour episode 4, "Let's Scare Jessica to Death"
As winter approaches, Mary, Scott and Dave settle in to the Deep Dark Lounge for the evening to watch and talk about the under-appreciated 1971 film, "Let's Scare Jessica to Death." They manage to break their cycle of giving every movie a three shot-glass rating, (Note - the crew wishes this had been given a higher rating, and they blame their computer HAL Junior for the error)) and at least ONE of them enjoys the cocktail pairing, which is appropriately named, the "Asylum".For your sipping pleasure, here is the "Asylum Cocktail": 1/2 oz grenadine 1 ounce Pernod 1 ounce gin "old-fashioned" glass Pour slowly, in this order -- grenadine, Pernod, gin -- into an Old-Fashioned glass. Add 2 or 3 ice cubes; serve with stirring rod. Best to let the ice melt a bit before stirring so you can watch the pretty pictures the Pernod makes as it clouds up.Visit our website: with us on Facebook: Twitter: created by Kevin MacLeod.You can hear more of his work at: