What’s The Difference Between A Homesteader And A Prepper? With Guest Gregg Carter
Today is Day 5 of our 30 days of homesteading Q&A on the podcast where I have reached out to some of the best bloggers and podcasters in the homesteading space to answer your questions about homesteading.
Today’s question is from a blog reader who says “I visit a bunch of homesteading and prepper websites and wanted to know if there is any difference between a prepper and a homesteader because they seem to have a lot of the same information on their sites?”
Answering today’s question is Gregg Carter from The Rural Economist and The Bringing Rural Back Podcast. Gregg explains where he believes preppers and homesteaders are alike and where they are different and what separates us and what brings us together.
Find out more about Gregg at his blog and social media pages:
Website: The Rural Economist (http://theruraleconomist.blogspot.com/)
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TheruraleconomistBlogspotselfsustainable/postsTwitter: https://twitter.com/ruraleconomist