The Tome of Unknowing
Greetings, Mortals!
Abandoned by his companion Ælar Drakal, Adramire Molock is left alone on the Moon to defeat the Darkness on his own. However, the god-like GlimpTimp has other plans. They send Adramire to meet with his estranged father, a researcher who may have some very important information for his son's noble quest. What will this meeting bring? Angst? Happiness? A gnome step-mother? Listen and find out!
Break the Dice is an improvised podcast in the style of a classic D&D adventure.
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Our performers:
Game Master / Allen Voigt: Instagram: @prettgoodstories
Ælar Drakal / Tyler Michaels King: Website:, Insta: @tylermichaelsking, Twitter: @tylermichaels
Adramire Molock / Joe Rapp: Twitter and Instagram: @fakejoerapp
NPC / Maria Bartholdi: Twitter and Instagram: @MissMariapants
NPC / MJ Marsh: Instagram: @mj_marsh_
NPC / Tyler Mills: Twitter: @tydmills
Accompanist / Jack Barrett: Website:, Instagram: @jackbarrettmusic
Some background ambiance courtesy of: Tabletop Audio // Support them on Patreon