Episode 23: Interview with Artist Kano
This week the guys had so much to talk about we needed to split the show into 2 episodes. This episode we have our favorite stuff from this week, and some discussion on all the Comic Book news from Marvel. We are getting a female Thor, Sam Wilson as Captain America, and Superior Iron Man. We also discuss casting for The Flash TV series and Daredevil. In Movie news we talk about Disney's Trailer for Big Hero Six, Power Rangers, Fox's Fantastic Four, and Marvel's Age of Ultron news, and Entertainment Weekly Cover. This all leads up to our interview with Artist Kano who has worked on such projects as the animated movie, The Dark Knight Returns, and Turtles 4 Ever. He has worked with Warner Brothers on Numerous projects like Batman: The Brave and the Bold. So sit back and enjoy, and DONT FORGET to download episode 23.1 with our review of Last Action Hero, and some Hate Mail Alil got for his views on The Fifth Element.