Episode 34 - Two Sides of The Same Coin w/ Francisco Reyes Jr. a.k.a NeverMade
WE'RE BACK! On today's episode we sit down with artist Francisco Reyes Jr. who many may know by his #pseudonym and brand @nevermade. We talk about the impact #2020 has had on his trajectory and plans. He tells us about how a long time friend became the #plug to interning and eventually becoming senior designer at @studionumberone with none other than graphic design #legend and all out great dude @obeygiant. We talk about his #inspriations and his #workflow. He explains how he juggles a full-time job and a full-time hustle. We talk working with @Cleonpeterson, peeking the files after hours, the birth of #DreamDigital, taking a dump, #visual sampling and so much more. Francisco's drive and attitude are very contagious and after listening we have no doubt you'll want to go start something. So many gems. Don't sleep... There is also the origin story of how we met Cisco, that you wont want to miss...LOL AND NOW THE NWZ...