Episode #23 - Adult Minecraft w/ Zeke "Wolf Tech" Wagner
On this week's episode we sit down with visual effects artist @w0lf_tech. Zeke Wagner a.k.a. Wolf Tech gives us a crash course on how he got into #visualeffects, how his styles has changed over time and how he is always looking to improve. He breaks down how a buddy of his got a chance job at the @berrics, which lead to Zeke dropping out of #college to pursue his dreams. We talk moving to #LosAngeles, working with @EASports and @Fazeclan. We pick his brain about things like #working day v. night, how to set a price for a project, if college is worth it and so much more. Wolf also breaks down his inspirations like @nicholasjandora, @gibsonhazard a @_colebennett. He even throws some books recommendations in for our #BADNWZBookclub. Wolf is on the come up and we strongly suggest following and keeping and eye out for his next big project. AND NOW THE NWZ....