Episode #20 - Money Rules, Just Facts w/ Steve Astephen
Here is the #fourth episode of our #ZoomSeries and on today's episode we sit down with super agent, trailblazer and CEO of @thefamilie.v2 @SteveAstephen. We talk about how life has changed since #COVID, and how it has effected his world/business. Steve takes us on a journey through a #cliffnotes version of his life. From growing up in #Boston, to hopping a @greyhoundlines to become a ski bum in #Vail. Steve explains how he fell into the business by helping a friend. He gives us the actual break down on how he made his mark in the action sports world. Seriously Insane stories about being there for @travispastrana #doublebackflip to finding the perfect marketing partner for @hartluck, helping @kblock43 career to his love for @Shecks. Steve has #endless stories and we don't just stop there. This episode has a gaggle of gems in it. Make sure to share, subscribe, rate a comment. Tell a friend because this one is #amazing and remember stay safe. AND NOW...THE NWZ.