Episode #18 - Everything Started With Graffiti w/ Greg "Craola" Simkins
On today's episode we sit down with a guest we've talked about numerous times on this podcast, Greg Simkins also knowns as @CRAOLA. Greg's a multiple discipline artist who lives Torrence, CA. We hit him on @Zoom to discuss how he's handling #quarantine. Greg breaks down his whole journey for us, from the day he first fell in love with #graffiti, to making #slapstickers on a early bootleg version of photoshop, to getting a job a @JNCO, learning game art and working for @tonyhawk and @treyarch to making the decision that he wanted to become a full time artist and his real love of being a #dad. Greg has amazing stories and drops some serious #streetart names, this is an episode you won't want to miss. So while everything is closing back down on the verge of a second lock down, sit back relax and enjoy this hour long episode. Remember to #share, #follow and #subscribe - all the support helps! We love our #BADNWZArmy. AND NOW... THE NWZ