Episode #11 - We All Have A Double Life w/ Banks a Taav
@tallywood a @thekurse sit down with @banks and @taav for a hilarious interview. Banks is the self described CVO of the @fazeclan. As part of the professional esports and entertainment organization, this Chief Vibe Officer hails from Lowell Mass. - you know like from the movie The Fighter. Anyway, we break down a ton of facts and cover everything from living in N.Y. and moving to the @clouthouse.la on Weidlake Dr., all the way to the Faze Empire signing their first girl @ewokfn to heading towards becoming a billion dollar business.. yup, lots of millions. Banks tells us how he met young Taavier, one of the L.A. club scenes movers and shakers thru @AlexHawkers. We discuss collaborating with the right brands, like @Lyricalemonade and their recent successfull pop-ups. They break down their first class trip to Japan, #SwattingCulture, living a double life, the future of gaming and so much more it's wild. So get ready Player One, because this episode is going to make you get out and want to do shit with all your #piles. To all the kids who's parents bitched out them, this episode is for you. Remember keep pushing. It's hard to be the coolest of the cool, but these guys make it seems easy.