OUR NBA ALL YUCK TEAM a Don't F**k With Cats
In this episode we chat about Kyrie's Return, the KD/KP Twitter beef, the Lake Show, and reveal our criteria for our All NBA Yuck Team. Of course we also talk about our gambling woes in I'll Bet 5 On It. In Garbage Time we discuss what we've been watching over the break including The Witcher, Fleabag, and Don't F**k With Cats. Please donate to the Australian Bushfire relief by donating to Wildlife Victoria https://www.wildlifevictoria.org.au/donate/donate-to-wildlife-victoria and/or Red Cross Australia https://www.redcross.org.au/campaigns/disaster-relief-and-recovery-donate. You donations are very much appreciated by us here at Courtside Theory. Check us out at courtsidetheory.com!