#102 - Dissecting Business School Rankings
On today’s show, a deep dive into business school rankings. From Businessweek and Poets a Quants, to the Financial Times and the Economist – there’s no shortage of organizations fighting to have the most definitive ranking of the world’s best MBA programs, but which one is actually on top? How do rankings impact a student’s education and career outcomes? Is there a better way to evaluate schools? Listen to our entire interview with Dean Scott DeRue: http://myumi.ch/L4MOX We want to hear your feedback. What do you like about the show, what can we improve, what would you like us to talk about? Leave a review to let us know, or you can reach us at BBUPodcast@umich.edu. Business Beyond Usual is brought to you by the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and the Michigan Ross Student Government Association. Host: Ramaswamy Annamalai Panelists: Matt Weiss, Arjit Mehta Producers: Christopher Ankney, Ramaswamy Annamalai Executive Producers: Jerry Won, Heather Byrne, Maria Karpiel Audio Engineering / Editing: Jonah Brockman Copyright 2016 - University of Michigan Recorded Nov 10, 2016