Go With What You Have - Episode #234
I have a dream to buy an RV and travel the country to give talks and coach agents in one city after another. (Crazy I know, but so real in my mind!) Two weeks ago I booked a speaking engagement in Louisville, Kentucky. Jenny and I were on date night and I said, “wouldn’t it be great if we had the RV and could all go!?” Jenny then said, “why do we need the RV, let’s just GO WITH WHAT WE HAVE!” She is so right! It was such a moment in our journey towards our vision. So with that...we are loading up the Honda Odyssey and hitting the road! Have you ever done this? Like for example, you want to start producing videos for your business, but you don’t like the camera you have, the audio isn’t the best, I need better lights, or my backdrop doesn’t look good? Ever been there? Do you feel like you have to have it all together before you even get started? If so, take Jenny’s advice and go with what you have! Resources and Links mentioned in this episode 21 Ways To Get New Listings (YouTube Video) Head to AgentOnTheRise.com to register for the free masterclass: How to Get Your Dream Real Estate Business Without Ever Cold Calling Join the Agent Rise Facebook Group (free) at www.Facebook.com/groups/agentrise To learn more about coaching, go to www.agentrisecoaching.com And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social! Instagram (@agentrise) Facebook.com/AGENTRISE YouTube (all new content)