It’s Time To Put An End To The Winter Struggle - Episode #232
Are you in the middle of the winter grind and just feeling like you’re spinning your wheels? I get it. You might be like an agent I was just talking with where his cash has depleted. He is wasting a lot of time figuring out how he is going to navigate through the mess, what bills he’s going to pay and want ones he’s going to go delinquent on. Real-life stuff here, right? In this episode, I want to give you the courage to stay with it. I want to share three things you need to do to stay on the right track. Working According to your vision, not according to your needs. Often when we get stuck like this, we lose focus on our vision or our plans. In Agent Rise, we often talk about our three-pillar plan. When money gets tight, we often see a slip up with our mailings to our sphere, we stop our Facebook Ads, and some of us will freeze up. We can't do this, and instead, need to keep focused on our vision. I'll explain this and how to avoid it in this episode. Don't get sucked into the shiny object syndrome. When things are going your way, our first reaction is to make a change in our plan. This will veer you away from something that is about to work if you just stay consistent. By switching you will experience a switch cost that we talk about in detail in this episode. The engine that needs to be running to dig you out of the hole you're in, all comes from MatchMaking. You need to be diligent in finding your buyers the property they are looking for. Sitting back and waiting for it to happen will only keep you in this rut. Make it happen by finding the property for them. Anyone you are working to earn their business will see this, and chances are you'll compel them to work with you. Resources and Links mentioned in this episode 21 Ways To Get Listings For Real Estate Agents Head to to check out my free masterclass! Join the Agent Rise Facebook Group (free) at To learn more about coaching, go to