Why you NEED to Set Boundaries with Your Clients - Episode #222
If you don’t set boundaries in your business, your clients will walk all over you. It’s a simple truth and one that I’ve learned all too well. If you begin to implement boundaries, your clients will start to respect you. They’ll sing your praises and you’ll start to get referrals. So how do you begin to set boundaries with clients if you haven’t from day one? Listen to this episode of Agent Rise and I’ll give you some strategic ways you can set boundaries with your clients. The moment I KNEW I needed to set boundaries I had been taking some Sundays off here and there, but I wasn’t being consistent. If something came up with a client I would go running. One Sunday I was tucking my daughter into bed and she thanked me and said we had such a great day together. When I said goodnight, she said: “See you next Sunday”. The weight of her words sunk in like a punch to the stomach. I had become so immersed in work that I had neglected my family. My daughter only expected to see me one day a week. I knew at that moment something needed to change. Inform clients of your boundaries from day one I started implementing boundaries in 2011 and it changed everything for me. I’d meet with a potential client and at the end of the conversation I’d phrase it like this: My family is very important to me and to spend time with them I will not be able to show homes on Sundays and most weekday evenings. I want to make sure that will work for you? I’ve only had one instance in the last nine years where a client said he only had availability on Sunday to see homes. So I referred him to another agent I knew worked weekends. Unfortunately, she said he was the worst client she’s worked with. He was demanding and disrespectful of her time—because she didn’t set boundaries. He had zero reason to respect her. Set the standard for 2020 So what do you do if you’re already working with a chunk of clients? How do you break the news that you need to begin focusing on what’s important—your family? Call every single one of your clients, now. Let them know that in 2020, you’ll only be available at specific times, and that evenings and weekends will be devoted to your family. The majority of your clients will respect your decision and think more highly of you. Keep listening for some other tips to set boundaries with people who aren’t even your clients yet. Let go of the disease to please People are often worried that setting boundaries in their business means they will lose clients. They worry about what people will think of them. Guys—let go of the disease to please. Focus on your family and what matters most. When you do, I firmly believe that you will get busier. People respect men and women who set boundaries and know where their priorities lie. It builds respect and trust, and those people will send you referrals. And the referrals will send you referrals. You’ll gain a reputation as someone who is trustworthy and stands by their beliefs. It won’t be easy at first, but it is 100% worth it. Outline of this great episode [0:30] Dealing with disrespectful clients [1:40] It ALL comes down to setting boundaries [6:30] The moment I KNEW something had to change [11:15] Lead with my family comes first [14:30] Set your priorities straight Recommended Resources How To Build A 6 Figure Real Estate Business That Eliminates The Commission Roller Coaster, Without Forcing Yourself To Do Things You Hate Easy Agent Pro - to get a website like mine (neilmathweg.com) go to www.easyagentpro.com/oj Shred Media - to take your digital marketing to next level go to www.ShredMedia.com To hear more great shows like Agent Rise visit www.industrysyndicate.com. Resources and Links mentioned in this episode Head to AgentOnTheRise.com to check out my free masterclass! To get my listing presentation tips, text “LISTING” to 44222 Join the Agent Rise Facebook Group (free) at www.Facebook.com/groups/agentrise To learn more about coaching, go to www.neilmathwegcoaching.com If you want to see my website as a REALTOR in Madison Wi go to www.ILoveMadisonHomes.com Connect with Neil! And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social! Instagram (@neilmathwegcoaching or @neilmathweg (personal) Facebook.com/AGENTRISE Facebook.com/neilmathwegcoaching Twitter Check out my YOUTUBE channel: all new content! And finally, if you would be so kind - leave a rating and review for the Agent Rise podcast on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes)