3 Steps to Get Back to the Basics - Episode #219
We’ve been talking about trimming distractions from your business and getting back to the basics. But what does that mean? How can you move from spinning your wheels to moving forward? If you find yourself doing things that aren’t moving your business in the right direction, it’s time to take a step back, re-evaluate, and get back to the basics. Getting back to the basics is an agent’s spring training During the off-season, most sports implement a sort of spring training (or training camp). It’s all about getting back to the core of the game and practicing the basics. In baseball, they have batting practice as well as working on stopping ground balls, fly balls, etc. In football, they run plays, focus on weight-lifting and conditioning, and prepare for the next season. So why shouldn’t it be the same for agents? It’s important to take a step back, look at the big picture, and focus on perfecting the basics of the game. So what does that look like? Keep listening! Step #1: Make three calls a day Making three calls a day is a simple way to begin building promise momentum. You make a simple promise to yourself, then keep that promise to yourself. If you’re spinning your wheels and you feel like your dignity has taken a nose-dive this is a great way to get back on track. Make 3 phone calls 5 days a week. It can be as simple as calling a friend to catch up. Call a potential client with a lead. Work on match-making and call someone with a home that fits the criteria they were looking for. You can even call an influencer in your community and make a connection. Step #2: Take advantage of the opportunities already in front of you Do you have a back-log of leads that have piled up that you haven’t had the time to follow-up on? So often, agents lose sight of what’s already in front of them. Reach out to the leads that you haven’t touched, or didn’t devote enough time to. If you have 100 leads, send them an email simply asking if they’re interested in buying a house in the new year. Even if you get a 5% response rate, and only 3 of those people are interested—those are 3 cold leads that are now promising! Keep listening as I talk about a few other ways you can connect with old leads and create new ones! Step #3: Focus on your Sphere and Chase Pillars 80% of your business will come from your sphere of influence, so it is imperative you stay connected with them. Send a mailer to them once a month. Call them at least twice a year. Invite them to happy hours or appreciation events. Continue to cultivate the relationships you have. If you’re stuck, focus on choosing a chase pillar: open houses, running Facebook ads, hunting down FSBO’s, and more. Doing all of the above will work, but I advocate choosing one as your main focus. Then you can begin to perfect your craft and move towards excellence in that pillar. You don’t want to be a jack of all trades, but master of none. To hear my thoughts on the attraction pillar and why it doesn’t need to be your focus, listen to the whole episode now! Outline of this great episode [0:30] Get back to the basics [3:00] Step #1: make three calls a day [6:00] Step #2: Follow-up on opportunities [10:05] Focus on Sphere and Chase Pillars Recommended Resources How To Build A 6 Figure Real Estate Business That Eliminates The Commission Roller Coaster, Without Forcing Yourself To Do Things You Hate Easy Agent Pro - to get a website like mine (neilmathweg.com) go to www.easyagentpro.com/oj Shred Media - to take your digital marketing to next level go to www.ShredMedia.com To hear more great shows like Agent Rise visit www.industrysyndicate.com. Resources and Links mentioned in this episode Head to AgentOnTheRise.com to check out my free masterclass! To get my listing presentation tips, text “LISTING” to 44222 Join the Agent Rise Facebook Group (free) at www.Facebook.com/groups/agentrise To learn more about coaching, go to www.neilmathwegcoaching.com If you want to see my website as a REALTOR in Madison Wi go to www.ILoveMadisonHomes.com Connect with Neil! And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social! Instagram (@neilmathwegcoaching or @neilmathweg (personal) Facebook.com/AGENTRISE Facebook.com/neilmathwegcoaching Twitter Check out my YOUTUBE channel: all new content! And finally, if you would be so kind - leave a rating and review for the Agent Rise podcast on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes)