Mastering Lead-Conversion in Real Estate - Episode #212

If you’re doing everything right you should be getting plenty of leads—lead-conversion is a far more difficult process. Nobody likes following up on leads, leaving voicemails, and endlessly getting no return phone-call. This episode of Agent Rise is all about helping you reframe the way you look at lead conversion while giving you practical strategies to utilize. Outline of this great episode [0:30] How to convert leads in real estate [2:55] Stop asking and start giving [5:00] Speak the right language [6:40] Take advantage of the ‘dream phase’ [9:30] A lesson in consistency [11:45] Put a lead-conversion system in place [14:10] Consistency leads to mastery Stop asking and start giving Everyone—buyers and agents alike—hate follow up calls. You end up leaving a voicemail saying “Hey, just following up on such-and-such, please call me back and keep me in the loop about where you’re at in the process”. Click. Usually, you’re left with no response. It’s frustrating and seems like a waste of time. But what if you stopped leaving the world’s lamest message and offered them something of value? Wouldn’t that call be so much better if you took the time to research houses and left them a message saying “Hey, after we talked at the open house last week, I’ve kept my eyes open and I think I found your perfect house! Call me back and we will schedule a time to see it!”.  All-of-the-sudden, you start getting calls back. Why? Because you gave them what they were looking for. You’re starting to speak their language. With a little effort on your part, you’re one step closer to converting a lead. Don’t let a buyers ‘dream phase’ become a missed opportunity Many buyers go through a dreaming process. They’re looking at available homes, daydreaming about what they want, and just barely dipping their toes in the water. You could connect with them and find out they’re not ready to buy until next year. Don’t simply shrug and move on! A real estate purchase is probably the one thing in their life that they dream about the longest. They can take months or years to make a decision. That’s just life.  Even if they’re simply dreaming, you can still get the process rolling. Offer to meet with them and talk about what they’re looking for. Connect them with a lender to make sure financing is in place. Reassure them that you know they’re not ready, but that you’re available when they are. Just being available and giving keeps you at the forefront of their mind—and sometimes can speed up their timeline, too.  Get a lead-conversion system in place The #1 thing you can do to make sure you’re not letting leads slip through your fingers is to get a system in place. It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, my system consists of two phone calls. Call them and find out what their search criteria consists of. What interested them about the house they inquired about?  Use their search criteria they provided and match them up with houses that are the perfect fit. Call them and let them know what you found! You are consistently offering them something of value. You aren’t working to convince them to work with you. Eventually, with the effort that you’re putting in, you will compel them to work with you.  Never forget that consistency leads to mastery If you’ve listened to the last two episodes you know we’ve been talking about keeping the promises you make to yourself and the impact it has. Consistency in keeping those promises builds integrity and brings you dignity. Too many agents I’ve worked with have the systems they need and I have provided. They know the system works—and works well. But for some reason, they’re not implementing the system. Those agents are lacking personal integrity. It’s blunt, but it’s true. You need to claim that you’ll implement a system and then do it. Keep making those follow-up phone calls. You will eventually get your call back—even if it’s to tell you to stop calling. You have to try if you want to get any results. Even if the results are lessons. Remember that consistency leads to mastery and that you can do anything.  So practice being consistent. Get a lead-conversion system in place, start following-up, and start offering something of value. Then connect with me and let me know how it’s going! Recommended Resources How To Build A 6 Figure Real Estate Business That Eliminates The Commission Roller Coaster, Without Forcing Yourself To Do Things You Hate Easy Agent Pro - to get a website like mine ( go to Shred Media - to take your digital marketing to next level go to To hear more great shows like Agent Rise visit Resources and Links mentioned in this episode Chris and Heidi Powell on Ed Mylett Show To get my listing presentation tips, text “LISTING” to 44222 Join the Agent Rise Facebook Group (free) at To contact me about coaching, go to If you want to see my website as a REALTOR in Madison Wi go to Connect with Neil!  And connect with me on ANY of the following social channels. I LOVE social! Instagram (@neilmathwegcoaching or @neilmathweg (personal) Twitter Check out my YOUTUBE channel: all new content! And finally, if you would be so kind - leave a rating and review for the Agent Rise podcast on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes)

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