#053: Building Up the Courage to Go After Bigger Clients
If you want to generate a high income as a freelance writer, you won't get there by doing lots of $500 projects for small clients. Sure, you can work long hours and bring in some big numbers. But it won't be long before you burn out. To earn a comfortable six-figure income AND have the freedom and flexibility to enjoy the fruits of your labor you HAVE to start working with bigger clients. One big client can easily replace two, three or even four smaller clients. Plus, they're often easier to work with. They have more work. And they're not as price-sensitive as smaller clients. So why do so many freelance writers avoid them? One word: FEAR! We might tell ourselves that it's other things. But at the core, the biggest reason we don't go after bigger fish is just plain, old-fashioned fear. In this episode you'll hear from Mary Rose Maguire, an Ohio-based freelance writer who recently broke through these fears and insecurities to go after (and land!) her largest client ever. She explains how she did it, how the overcame her fears and insecurities, and what she's learned about herself in the process.