#010: How a Well-Paid Executive Transitioned Successfully to Full-Time Freelance Copywriting
You have a full-time day job. g:( It's not something you love, but it pays the bills. Unfortunately, it also leaves very little time for launching and growing a freelance side business. So, how are you supposed to make the transition from cubicle hell to full-time freelance writing? That's the dilemma Kathryn Messer faced a few years ago. As a well-paid executive, she couldn't afford to simply walk away from her day job to pursue her dream of full-time freelance writing. Yet she knew there HAD to be a way. Using Ed's customizable transition action plan as her guide (detailed in ), along with a heavy dose of hard work and persistence, Kathryn finally made the leap. Not only that but by the time she made the transition, she was already earning more as a freelancer than she was in her executive position! In today's interview, Kathryn details her journey during this transition. And she provides solid advice for those who are trying to make the leap to part-time or full-time freelance writing.