Episode 4: Julie Foudy - Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable
Julie Foudy is an Olympic gold medalist, soccer hall of famer, ESPN sports broadcaster and women’s sports pioneer. She's also doing important work as an advocate for women's rights and children's rights. We discuss everything from sports to equal pay and the important role men play in reaching gender equality. Julie’s Why Not Now? moment that played a huge role in shaping the future for women in sports. (4:17) What happened when Julie and her team asked, "Why isn’t there a Women’s World Cup and why isn’t there women’s soccer in the Olympics?" (5:39) How Julie gained the courage to stand up to the Federation. (7:42) The role that Billie Jean King played to innovate women in sports not only for tennis but also soccer. (9:15) Julie’s advice to women who are wanting to speak out at work about equal pay and other gender equality issues but they’re afraid of losing their jobs or backlash in general. (13:40) How Julie Foudy embraces fear. (15:21) What Julie has learned from her advocacy of equal pay for women in sports and how that applies to women in business. (17:10) Using your sense of humor as a strategy. “Fail, laugh and repeat.” (18:00) What is it about women who are able to accelerate the process of breaking through in business, sports or life? (19:24) Ways we can bring data and numbers into the conversation about women equality and specific data that is useful in starting the conversation about women equality and equal pay. (22:44) Are quotas the answer for kick starting a faster pace toward gender equity? What’s happened when Norway, Germany and France implemented diversity quotas. (23:55) We discuss the topic of male mentors and their role in reaching equality. Specific examples of companies that are encouraging more men to mentor women. (25:25) How does Julie get comfortable with being uncomfortable? (30:51) How does Julie keep her mind healthy? (35:17) Julie talks about her recent Why Not Now? moment and the what sparked her to take action. (37:50) Julie’s all-time favorite book. (44:40) What keeps Julie up at night? (45:13) What would Julie tell her younger self? You might be surprised to hear her answer! (46:12) Learn more about Julie: https://www.juliefoudyleadership.com/ Follow Julie: https://www.instagram.com/juliefoudy/ To learn more about monday dot com, and for a free trial, go to http://hey.monday.com/amyjomartin To learn more about the Renegade Accelerator, go to http://renegadeaccelerator.com/ Get Amy Jo’s newsletter: https://amyjomartin.activehosted.com/f/21 Join the Why Not Now? Private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/whynotnowpodcast/ Follow Amy Jo… FB: http://www.facebook.com/amyjomartin Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/amyjomartin Why Not Now? Insta: http://www.instagram.com/whynotnow Buy Amy Jo’s Book: https://amyjomartin.shop/collections/frontpage/products/renegades