Modern Living and DIY in an 1880s home with Stacy Grinsfelder, Host of Blake Hill House Podcast
Welcome back to the Home Staging Show! On this episode, I’ve got a really fun and interesting guest, fellow podcaster Stacy Grinsfelder. Stacy hosts the podcast True Tales from Old Houses and runs a blog about modern living and DIY called Blake Hill House. Stacy and her family moved into their 1800s home after falling in love with its architectural quirks and rich history. Now, she’s a passionate advocate for the respectful restoration of old houses that honors their past while giving them a fresh, modern present. Stacy and I cover a lot of ground in this episode, talking about why she decided to move into an old house and what to expect if you want to do the same. We discuss home inspections, what kind of money a time you can expect to spend on restoring an old home, and what she would do differently if she had to do it all again. And Stacy shares some of the common mistakes that restoration newbies tend to make when they’re first learning how to live in their old home.