Shift Your Mindset and Create the Business You Love with Success Coach Makayla Ervin | Season 8 Ep 1
Hi guys, welcome back to Season 8. I m SO excited to bring the podcast back! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Since it's the new year, on the show today, I have invited Makayla Ervin, a success coach for mompreneurs to talk about mindset and to eliminate self-limiting beliefs. I also want to take a moment to thank you for your patience and been so supportive of Staged4more. As you may know from previous shows that I moved to Paris for ten months to pursue my master degree last year and it was very intense to try to work and go to school full time all at the same time. It’s great to be back, working on the school, the blog and the podcast as well. I am very grateful for the opportunities that I have and the freedom that I have to pursue my passions. I know to talk about mindset and stuff like self-limiting beliefs sound very woo woo, but from my own experiences, building a business that makes me feel fulfilled, that can serve others while serving me and my lifestyle has really given me the freedom and purpose. It gives me the motivation to do better. That’s why I push for it on the podcast, and also in our courses like the 6-Figure Floor Plan course. Speaking of which, I will be opening up the enrollment for the next round of 8-week, live 6-Figure Floor Plan mastermind course. The class is going to start on Monday, February 11 and the Early Bird Enrollment will start on February 1. As our podcast listeners, you can use the coupon code mentioned in the show to get an additional $100 off. Just enter that when you check out, it’s going to be on the right-hand side of the page. Also, there are a couple of free goodies for you on our blog. I have a free Goal Setting Planner for 2019 that will help you set your goals for the year. It also has accountability built in, where you will receive a check-in email every 90 days this year. There is also a free Marketing Plan Planner on the blog. Here are the links for you to download the planners: How to Achieve Your Goals This Year How to Create a Winning Marketing Plan for Your Home Staging Business I am super excited to bring back the show today and to kick off our new season today with Makayla Ervin, a success coach who specializes in working with mompreneurs. For Makayla, becoming a mom and staying home with her children really helped bring that part of herself back to life again. She never planned to be a Stay At Home Mom, she likes working too much; but she couldn’t imagine spending her days anywhere else. So, she built a brand and her business to serve her lifestyle. She dabbled in several creative businesses before she found her true calling. She was so blessed by the freedom and fulfillment she found from channeling her gifts into a means of income for her family. She was determined to use her passion to educate, inspire, and coach other moms to do the same. On today’s show, here are some of the stuff we discussed: Makayla, I am so excited to interview you! It’s the New Year, so I always like to do some mindset type of work on the first episode. You do a lot of work with mindset with your clients. Can you tell us a little bit about your business? Why is mindset so important when it comes to starting or running a business? What are some of the self-limiting beliefs that hold us down? What work can we do to expel these self-limited beliefs? In your experiences, how has having clarity changed your business and your clients’ businesses? Personally, I think clarity is incredibly important. My business completely shifted once I had clarity on what kind of business I want. When your clients struggle with gaining clarity for their goals and their business, how do you help them find that direction and clarity? I feel that a lot of times as creative women, we put these self-limiting thoughts onto ourselves. I see this a lot where women feel guilty about charging their worth. I certainly had done this when I started in my career. How can someone harness their purpose and empower themselves to monetize their talents? I love that in your course for mompreneurs, you push your students to create a business plan. When I updated our course Launcher last month, I added that as well, because I recently had to write one for my master program last year. And it helped me to iron out my business model. In your experiences, why is writing a business plan so effective? How does someone take a side hustle and turn that into a full-time business? When the business is new, how can we build an authentic brand that grows organically? What is the one top tip you will give to gain clarity in your life?