Organize and Stage Your Home with Professional Stager and Organizer Nina Dorian S6.1
WOOHOO! Seaon 6! Couple huge updates: We just launched a brand new website. Check it out at We are also selling everything in our staging warehouse. If you are in the San Francisco bay area and would like to buy some furniture and home goods, get in touch! We will also launch a new Cash in the Cushions business course for home stagers! Check it out on our website. On today’s show, I’m interviewing Nina Dorian, who is a home stager and professional organizer living in Toronto, Canada. She's a professionally trained marketer and spent the majority of her career in the corporate world. 2 years ago, she decided to start her own company as it was her time pour her energy and passion into something that she truly loved. While she soul-searched, it was apparent that she loved all things home, especially decorating and entertaining. She has always been particularly tidy and organized, so iStage a Organize was born and she never looked back. Since then, she had helped numerous families to successfully sell their homes above market expectations and much more quickly than the average industry standard. She has also worked with homeowners to declutter their homes and put together organizational systems to keep them organized. On today’s show, we discussed: How Nina got into real estate, staging, and professional organizing The first step in prepping homes for sale Real estate market in Toronto, Canada 2016 real estate market Vancouver real estate market Detached home and new development markets in Canada How foreign investors impact the real estate market What Nina does to help sellers to navigate the home preparation process How Nina approaches staging The importance of clearing and organizing your home before you go on the market The very first thing sellers should do when they start the home preparation process Key things to do for sellers when it comes to organizing and preparing their homes for sale What buyers always look for North American lifestyles Nina’s process for decluttering and organization Remaining objective during the home selling process How to deal with overwhelm and panic when it comes to preparing your home for sale What you should do as soon as you decide to put your home on the market How clutter impacts how your home is photographed What is decluttering? Some of the trickiest areas when it comes to organizing and preparing the home for sale How Nina works with homeowners who are living in the homes while they are selling Nina’s 7-day rule Capsule wardrobe How to focus yourself and combat overwhelm when you’re preparing your home for sale Remove at least ___% when you’re preparing your home for sale The key thing to do when you are living in a staged home while you’re selling What a show-ready home should look like Common mistakes homeowners make when they stage their own homes for sale What misconception home sellers have when they sell their homes Tools and strategies Nina uses to stage homes for sale Key areas to focus on if the homeowners are short on time to prepare the homes for sale Prime areas for buyers Nina’s advice on selling your home with pets and kids The benefit of a project manager How to hire contractors Questions Nina asks when she hires contractors Current trends in homes The danger of trends when you pick finishes for the home What homeowners can do if they are thinking about selling their home Nina’s one tip for homeowners to organize their homes for sale If you enjoy the show, please leave a review a rating on iTunes! Every rating and review help someone finds our show, helps us grow our show and get more awesome guests. So that’s it for today’s show. Happy staging!