#65: Tracking Performance (KPIs)
Today's episode is a bit of "bonus" to the Get It Done Challenge. How do you make sure you're keeping up the good habits you just developed? And, more importantly, how do you make sure that the tasks you're completing will get you closer to your goals? The answer is KPIs – or key performance indicators. Things you will learn in this episode: What the heck are KPIs and when you should use them The difference between tracking results and performance How many KPIs you’ll want to set and how to track them What questions you should ask yourself when determining your KPIs How to use KPIs to make your days more productive LINKS: http://lifeandlawlive.com/ http://www.heatherjoyhubbard.com/podcast/how-to-take-back-your-day/ http://kpilibrary.com/ Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.hustleandflowpodcast.com/65